Posted: 04.08.2023 09:56:00

Venezuela stated it had filed a formal application to join BRICS

Venezuelan Executive Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said that the country has sent a formal request to join the BRICS, TASS reports


Delcy Rodriguez said, “Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has made the official announcement about the bid to join BRICS, and the Foreign Ministry has sent a corresponding request.”

According to her, Venezuela is ready to offer ‘the world’s biggest oil deposits to the service of the BRICS Energy Commission’ and will promote the development of ‘new relations of co-operation’ and ‘the creation of a new multipolar world’.

In 2022, BRICS announced that it would expand the number of member countries to make the organisation more inclusive. Today, BRICS includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. However, at least 19 states have already expressed their desire to join the economic bloc, including Argentina, Iran, Algeria, Tunisia, Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. As South African BRICS Sherpa Anil Suklal previously stated that 13 countries have officially declared their interest in joining the BRICS, and six more have announced this unofficially. Venezuela could become the twentieth country.