Posted: 28.06.2024 15:23:00

Lukashenko: Forum of Regions is one of most successful and efficient projects of Union State

The Forum of Regions is one of the most successful and efficient projects of the Union State – as stated today by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko in his video message to the participants of the 11th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, BelTA reports

“The forum has become a unique dialogue platform, acquired its own special, unique style and continues to grow with bold, ambitious initiatives. 588 agreements have been concluded at its sites, and commercial contracts worth over 450bn Russian Roubles have been signed. Serious progress has been made in bringing macroeconomic, industrial, agricultural, sci-tech and educational policies closer together,” the Belarusian leader said.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the issues of building an innovative economy of the Union State are now naturally on the agenda of the forum, since ensuring technological sovereignty and national security in the modern world is unthinkable without the development and implementation of innovative solutions.

“Belarus and Russia have all the necessary conditions for this. We have preserved the best scientific schools and provided a strong material base. A unified industrial policy is being implemented, and a unified scientific and technological space is being formed. Most importantly, we have a powerful human potential,” the President of Belarus said.

He expressed confidence that the ideas of the current Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia will find their embodiment, “We will reach a new level of Union State integration, the development of advanced technologies and innovations, and the implementation of our strategic priorities.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished the forum participants successful and fruitful work for the benefit of the peoples of Belarus and Russia.