Posted: 27.06.2024 09:50:00

State Border Committee: another dead refugee found on Latvian border

On June 25th, the Polotsk border guards found the body of a man without signs of life 20m from the Latvian border fence. He was on a sleeping bag, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, but without shoes. A passport and a driver’s license in the name of a 44-year-old Indian citizen were found with him, reports by with reference to Belarus’ State Border Committee.

“The distance from the dead body of a foreigner to the gate for animals in the Latvian border fence was 150m,” the State Border Committee noted.

An investigative task force was working at the site.

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“Since the beginning of the month, the Polish and Latvian military have demonstrated in practice three times the EU’s brutal policy towards ‘wrong refugees’, among whom there were even women. The security forces of neighbouring countries beat them, shot them with rubber bullets, used stun guns and pepper gas, and then threw exhausted foreigners into the territory of Belarus. However, in all three cases, the Belarusian side managed to save each of the refugees,” the Belarusian border department added.