Posted: 07.07.2023 12:28:00

Opinion: invitation of Lukashenko to SDG Summit is of extreme importance

Belarus' Permanent Representative to the UN, Valentin Rybakov, commented on the invitation sent to Aleksandr Lukashenko for participation in the SDG Summit


In his talk with the ONT TV channel, Mr. Rybakov noted that even the fact of inviting the Head of State to this summit is very important. “Indeed, they want to hear us. Those who want to hear will listen to us and will hear us. The fact that we will take part in this very important forum is indisputable," he said.

At the same time, the Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN added that some decisions will be taken later, “The decisions on the level and on who will go to the summit will be made by the capital closer to the date of the event scheduled for September 18th-19th in New York.”