Posted: 15.09.2023 15:02:00

MP accused authorities of Poland and Lithuania of lying

The authorities of Poland and Lithuania blatantly lie when declaring a certain threat coming from Belarus, since they know perfectly well that the republic is not going to attack anyone – as noted by a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, Oleg Gaidukevich, in his talk with SB TV

Photo: video screenshot

The programme host, Polina Konoga, noted, “We see what policy the Polish authorities are pursuing today. The President clearly explained that they want to enter the Polish Parliament through the Belarusian agenda. [They assert] that Wagner is a bad point, nuclear weapons are also bad. Threats and helicopters [are also joining this agenda list]...”

“They are actually lying. They have the Defence Ministry and intelligence, which daily report to the Polish President that there is no threat. They know that PMC Wagner does not threaten, they understand perfectly well that there will be no attack from the territory of Belarus. They are lying for several reasons, and money is one of them. They get paid for it. They are begging for money from the United States and the European Union. They are supposedly preparing for war, saving Europe. Meanwhile, there is no war. This is a bogeyman story to get money, to distribute it, to steal and leave part of it,” the MP believes.

According to Mr. Gaidukevich, another reason is connected with the elections in Poland. “It is necessary to be re-elected. Instead of dealing with internal problems, it is easier [for Polish authorities] to say that they are fighting an external threat, that Belarus is allegedly posing such a threat. They then try to get themselves out of this. What did the Lithuanian President say a week ago? He stated that the border will not be closed, because there is no longer a serious threat from PMC Wagner. Why is he lying? There has never been such a threat! Is it possible in our modern times to hide any movement of troops? If something was happening, everything on the map would be visible, and they would see from space who and where was moving,” he stressed.