Posted: 20.02.2024 17:34:00

Lukashenko warned of provocations being prepared by Western intelligence services in Poland

During today’s expanded meeting with the heads of the state bodies of national security system, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, voiced some intelligence information, warning of a provocation that involves Polish and American intelligence services and that is being prepared in Poland, BelTA reports


"We are aware of all the scenarios of various kinds of provocations and extremist actions involving militants located on the territory of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania that have been obtained by our intelligence, and we immediately make them public as much as possible. We will continue this tradition, and I have another piece of intelligence information for you. I can quote verbatim (which is important for Poles): ‘Polish and American intelligence services are preparing a large-scale provocation against the civilian population of Poland, which Russia and Belarus will be accused of," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

"Warsaw is simultaneously trying to recruit high-ranking Belarusian officials who will be able to replace our ‘tikhushkas’ and ‘lakhushkas’ [current Belarusian opposition figures], the President said. “They will look for and create new and more effective figures here that will be loyal to the West. All methods will be used, including banal bribery and blackmail, as well as threats to life and health of you and your relatives and friends. Anyone can be in the focus of attention."