Posted: 28.06.2024 12:50:00

Lukashenko to teachers: it’s necessary to keep up with times and lead students in your profession

During today’s awards ceremony for graduates and teachers of higher education institutions, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko addressed the teachers present, thanking them for their great work


In particular, Aleksandr Lukashenko said, “Before entering the classroom and leading the learning process, you have come a long way. You have studied a lot, worked hard and continue to improve your competencies. Because it’s necessary to keep up with the times and lead the students in your profession. Otherwise it is impossible.”

The Head of State sincerely wished the mentors of the youth strength, patience and pride for each pupil.

The President drew attention to the fact that the current meeting is taking place on the eve of the main state holiday — Independence Day and the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation, “Today’s ceremony honouring the best graduates and the best teachers is our tribute to the memory of the generation of winners. Every success is a thank you to the heroes who fought and died for a peaceful future. We built it, and we must preserve this future. We’ll definitely save it.”