Posted: 27.06.2024 18:00:00

Lukashenko: there’s generational change, enabling new, competent and professional people to come to power

When making a number of important personnel decisions today, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined that he expects efficiency and professionalism from everyone in their workplace

In particular, the Head of State drew attention to the fact that all the appointees who have received new positions today are mostly young and promising people.

“It’s a new generation. This is what I was talking about: there is a generational change. Young, promising and professional people should come to power (not only to manage individual areas). There are no non-professionals at the table,” the President underlined.

The Belarusian leader noted that he had not informed anyone in advance about the personnel decisions taken, while noting that all those who received new positions today were not outside observers, but were familiar with the peculiarities of the spheres entrusted to them.

“There’s a generational change. New, competent and professional people should come who should implement what we have agreed on during the Belarusian People’s Congress within a few years. The country should have a good government: good connections from the President to the Government via the Administration [of the President] and further on. There must be results and effectiveness,” the Head of State accentuated.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also categorically warned everyone against any red tape and bureaucracy, “None at all! If it’s possible to settle a problem in a day or two, do it. God forbid, from Monday I will be informed, as before, about this red tape and bureaucracy! I especially warn the President Administration! Ministers should work and move, if somewhere the Government apparatus has not worked. Prompt and demand in the most severe way. Efficiency must be improved enormously if we want to survive this frenzied struggle. Each of you knows what’s going on around you. Therefore, based on this, among other things, the relevant decisions have been made, which I have announced.”