Posted: 04.10.2024 14:38:00

Lukashenko on situation on Ukrainian border: Belarus needs no escalation, but it must be ready to self-defence

Belarus does not need an escalation of the situation on the border, but it must be ready to repel any aggression – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during a conversation with residents of the agro-town of Parokhonsk, answering a question about the situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border

The Head of State drew historical parallels with 1941, when the Soviet leadership did not care much that there might be a war at any moment, so it took fascists six months to approach Moscow. In order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, the Belarusian military are concentrated on our southern borders, and this is a symmetrical response to the actions of the Ukrainian side.

“After they redeploy troops closer to the border, we do the same – so that there would be no surprises, as in 1941. They make some changes [with regard to troops], and we respond in turn. Actually, all our actions are a response to their activity. We have never initiated any confrontation. We do not need this. What is war? This is a disaster. I do not want there to be a war, so we are doing everything to settle the situation peacefully. We are not escalating the situation in any way, we do not need any escalation. However, if they concentrate armed forces somewhere (who knows why they are gathering military personnel and equipment together), if we witness any sort of tension on the other side, then I create a shield with our military personnel. We have gathered them here for a reason: we blocked the border. This is a normal state of affairs. If there is a serious escalation, then every squad, platoon, battalion commander would know where each piece of forest and road, which they have to protect, is located. If the enemy sees that we are ready, they will definitely not attack. Do not worry, we are not going to fight against Ukrainians, and they also do not want to fight us. After all, how would they use this burden [Belarus]? Moreover, what is the need for them? Our people live there. Therefore, we will do everything to coexist peacefully with Ukraine, if they wish this. Ordinary people want this, but, they say, Ukraine’s top officials are led by Americans,” the Head of State noted.

According to the President, if something needs to be resolved, Volodymyr Zelenskyy immediately goes to Washington, “He does not go to Minsk and Moscow to negotiate and end this war. He thinks that Americans will rebuild Ukraine after the war, and they will be strong and smart. No one will restore this territory. The government will change, and the new authorities will simply ask: Volodya, who are you?”

The President is convinced that the new American authorities will be concerned about problems inside their country, and they will not care about Ukraine. “Therefore, the leadership of Ukraine should come to their senses and understand that they will first of all need to rebuild the country – doing this with the help of people who are close to them, first of all Belarusians,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The Head of State stressed that the economy is the main focus for Belarus now. There will be no war if all farms show the same good results as Parokhonskoy JSC.