Posted: 23.07.2023 16:00:00

Lukashenko on Putin’s guarantees to Belarus: you are the first person in Russia who openly said this

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, at the talks in St. Petersburg thanked the Russian President for his statement on security guarantees to Belarus, BelTA reports


“I just want to say thank you. In general, you are the first person in Russia who said this openly, clearly and understandably. God forbid, aggression against Belarus is like against Russia. We take this into account in the development of our Armed Forces,” the Head of State said.

As BelTA reported with reference to TASS, on July 21st, at an operational meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin said that unleashing aggression against Belarus would mean aggression against the Russian Federation. In this case, Moscow will respond with all means at its disposal.