Posted: 21.02.2023 13:54:00

Lukashenko on co-operation with Abkhazia: we have something to build the foundation of our relations on

The Belarusian leader has met today with the President of the Republic of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhaniya  

Welcoming his guest, Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked him for coming to Belarus, “You have arrived – as you promised. We have something to talk about. You know that we have always been interested in co-operation with the republic, and I voiced that when visiting your beautiful country. One thought has never left me: why is the Georgian leadership reacting so sharply to our meetings? Can there really be no normal, warm, friendly relations between people, between nations? Maybe, as I said then, these relations will serve peace and friendship between the Abkhaz and Georgian peoples. After all, you and I have never planned any actions against Tbilisi. There has never been such a thing.”

The Head of State added that he is monitoring the situation that is developing in Georgia, ‘i.e. [dealing with] former president Mikhail Saakashvili’, “Somehow it does not look very decent from the point of view of the fact that he was actually the president. Therefore, it is simply indecent to reach such an extent as it is developing now. I am telling you this [to emphasise] that we have not given any assessments, we have not interfered into that situation. We have maintained and are still maintaining very good relations, as far as possible, with Tbilisi. Why are they reacting so acutely to this? I think you can help me find the answer to this question.”

Speaking about the prospects of co-operation between Belarus and Abkhazia, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that today’s meeting was very important in a humane way, “Our relations should develop. The people of Abkhazia respect Belarusians – not to mention Belarus’ [good] attitude. We have something to build the foundation of our relations on. There are products in which we are interested, and there are ones which you are interested in. Moreover, a tourist destination is very important – especially after sanctions of various kinds began to be imposed against us. Our people want to go to the seaside.”    

The Head of State stressed that both Sukhum and Batumi have always been popular destinations for Belarusians, but ‘Abkhazia has somehow turned out to be cut off’ now, “It is not unpopular, but it is cut off. Meanwhile, the demand is huge. Why should not we visit each other? I am asking myself this question, and I cannot understand why is it necessary to aggravate relations on this basis? On the contrary, we should glue our relations together.”

The President of Belarus emphasised, “We are not giant states to divide some countries and peoples. We need to be closer to each other in this difficult time: Tbilisi, Sukhum, Minsk – actually, all [should] – strive for each other. I am considering your visit to Belarus in this regard and thank you once again for fulfilling your promise and coming to us.”

In turn, Aslan Bzhaniya thanked Aleksandr Lukashenko for consistency, “Many people will hear you today, including in Georgia. I think your wise words will reach the hearts of these people.”

Last September, after his talks with Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Aleksandr Lukashenko visited the historical sites of the north-eastern coast of the Black Sea. In Abkhazia, the President of Belarus met with Aslan Bzhaniya. They discussed economic projects and promising issues of co-operation between Belarus and Abkhazia then. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that the economy, trade and economic ties should become the foundation of their relations, “We came with good intentions. If we can help you in some way – moreover, it will be mutually beneficial co-operation – then we will do that. The main thing is to ensure that people here enjoy decent standard of living, since this paradise corner of our globe is worthy of it. People here are true saints, and I am not flattering you. I remember this from Soviet times when I visited these places. Therefore, we want to establish not just a bridge of friendship, but a very serious relationship between us.”
