Posted: 17.09.2024 12:16:00

Lukashenko: every achievement of Belarus has always been due to Belarusians, and this will further be the case

All people of Belarus have always been behind every achievement, be it historical or modern, of the country – as stated by President Aleksandr Lukashenko at today’s award ceremony dated to National Unity Day


Addressing the guests invited to the Palace of Independence, the Head of State noted, “We are celebrating a major holiday today countrywide: National Unity Day. It marks the triumph of historical justice. Eighty-five years ago, the liberation campaign of the Red Army put an end to the issue of our state self-determination. The people, divided into western and eastern Belarusians for many years, became a united nation. The story of a long journey began: it was dramatic and heroic during the Great Patriotic War, and peaceful and creative after the Great Victory.”

The President stressed that the award ceremony at the Palace of Independence gathered true followers of the traditions of those who had not retreated in the face of the 20th century difficulties, who created, defended and restored the republic. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted the importance of the spheres represented by the participants of the event, “Among the awardees are employees in the fields of education and healthcare. You are always close to people and sometimes you know more about the problems of each of us than your family and friends. We are proud of our scientists and production workers who have made the Belarusians' dream of a domestically produced car come true. We also thank the figures of culture today for their talent and mastery. You enrich our national heritage, create the future, and leave a bright trace in art.”

The Head of State extended words of gratitude to the coaches who had trained Belarus’ new Olympic medallists, “The Summer Olympics became another significant page in the history of Belarusian sports. Attempts were made to exclude us from the participation, to deprive us of our flag and anthem, but the world was still talking about Belarusians, admiring their victories together with us. This world is again speaking these days, thanks to the brilliant performance of the Belarusian national team at the World Firefighting Championship. Nine medals – five gold, two silver, and two bronze – were captured, and a world record was set. Each success glorifies our native country. This has become a real gift for today's holiday!”


The President stressed, “We can really cope with any difficulties. We got convinced of that by settling the consequences of the [July] hurricane. We honour rescuers and power engineers, utility workers and foresters who worked regardless of their personal time and circumstances, who restored the normal life for people in the shortest possible time. Today, we honour people in uniform who stand guard over order and the law, who protect our peaceful sky for the opportunity to make plans for the future, go to dreams and realise them. This is what national unity looks like: it is when everyone is focused on their tasks and goals, and the overall result makes Belarus beautiful, cozy, prosperous and peaceful.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko sincerely congratulated the participants of the ceremony on the high awards and honorary titles, “You have made this festive day at the Palace of Independence special owing to your achievements. Thank you for your hard work! I am grateful to everyone who has become a reliable support for you on the way to success: relatives, friends, and colleagues. A personal award is always the result of teamwork. Similarly, our entire nation has always been behind every achievement of the country, be it historical or modern, and this will further be the case.”