Posted: 09.11.2023 09:18:00

Lukashenko congratulated King of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni and the people of the Kingdom on Independence Day

President Aleksandr Lukashenko, on behalf of the Belarusian people and himself, has sent greetings to the King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni, and the people of this country on the 70th anniversary of the Kingdom's independence, the Belarusian leader’s press service reports

"In recent years, your original country has made significant progress in human development, social transformation, modernisation of all spheres of life. Belarus is interested in making co-operation with Cambodia more dynamic and practical, especially in industry, agriculture, electric transport, oil refining, pharmaceuticals, science and education," the congratulatory message reads.

The Heed of State expressed his conviction that Belarus and Cambodia will be jointly able to find points of growth of bilateral co-operation in the interests of the citizens of both countries.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished the King of Cambodia happiness and good health, also wishing peace and prosperity to the people of the Kingdom.