Posted: 28.06.2023 12:14:00

Lukashenko: Belarus' strong relations with Russia and its regions help oppose Western pressure

Belarus and Russia have laid a solid foundation for co-operation – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, in his video address to the plenary session of the 10th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia. The Head of State noted the presence of various trade branches of Belarusian companies operating in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as retail chains selling Made in Belarus branded products which enjoy great demand. Many important objects on the territory of Russia have been constructed by Belarusian builders.

“Belarusian goods and competencies are well known and enjoy demand in large Russian cities, industrial centres, at the level of regions, including remote ones, in the Urals, Siberia, Khabarovsk Krai, and Kamchatka. Bashkortostan is a fraternal land for us, and it is no exception," Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. “We have long-standing, very constructive contacts with Ufa at the level of enterprises, organisations, public associations, figures of science, art and culture, education. Our relationship lasts for more than one decade, or – to be more correct – it has not been interrupted since the USSR times.”

The President stressed that Belarus and Russia complement each other well in the supply of raw materials, components, and industrial products, solving the common task of import substitution and technological sovereignty.

“Meanwhile, the greatest value is rooted in the finest capillaries of human relations, our common history, culture and mentality, a traditional view of the family, respect for the elderly, huge prospects and support for young people. Therefore, even in the most difficult times for Belarus and Russia, contacts at the regional level were actively developing. This helped us survive in the conditions of the collapse of statehood and the rupture of established economic ties after the great country broke up. At present, our strong relations help us oppose pressure on the part of the West in all directions: economic, political, ideological, informational, cultural, and so on,” the Belarusian leader noted.