Posted: 08.10.2024 18:30:00

Lukashenko: historical rightness of our peoples hinders implementation of West’s geopolitical plans

The historical rightness of our peoples is an obstacle in the implementation of the long-term geopolitical plans of the West, in which there is no place for other strong powers – as noted by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s expanded meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council, presenting a joint address of the CIS heads of state in connection with the 80th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War


According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the number of victims of that war is horrifying, “What is even scarier is that it’s not closed. We continue to find mass graves of hundreds and thousands of tortured and executed people on the territory of Belarus. The same work is being conducted in other CIS member states.”

Meanwhile, the Belarusian leader noted that SS legionnaires are being honoured in some countries of liberated Europe, “Neo-Nazis openly march through the streets, demolishing and desecrating monuments to soldiers-liberators. Young people participating in this sabbath – brought up in the spirit of national superiority and revanchism – have no idea about the course of history. They do not know that their ancestors were fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Soviet people: the Balts, Poles, Belgians and even Germans. They were forced to forget that they owe the fact of their birth to Soviet soldiers who paid with their lives for peace on their land, for the freedom of their countries, for the future of their peoples. It is possible to steal memory; it is impossible to steal the truth: if it were not for the heroism of the Soviet people, there would not be those countries and those people who do everything to discredit the feat of the Soviet people and take away our Great Victory. We know why. The historical rightness of our peoples is an obstacle in the implementation of the long-term geopolitical plans of the West, in which there is no place for other strong powers.”

The President stressed that in response to these actions, provisions on the protection of historical truth and the memory of the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War have been introduced into the Constitution of Belarus. Laws have been adopted on preventing the rehabilitation of Nazism and on the genocide of the Belarusian people.

“Fortunately, we are absolutely united today in understanding the importance of protecting the feat of our peoples and our shared memory. We are doing this in the name of peace. We are making today’s address in the name of peace. It fully meets the interests not only of our Commonwealth, but also of all mankind, which is on the verge of a new catastrophe more than ever. I am convinced this significant political step will demonstrate a true assessment of the role of the peoples of our countries in the victory over fascism, respect for the common historical past and a constructive attitude towards our common future,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.