Posted: 08.10.2024 17:47:00

Lukashenko outlined range of directions for more effective use of potential of regional integration

During today’s meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council in Moscow, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko named a number of areas for more effective use of the potential of regional integration


The Belarusian leader stressed that the common goal is clear, “We need a strong union of powerful, economically self-sufficient sovereign states. We talk about equal conditions and respect for national interests all the time. Much has already been done, but there is also something to strive for.”

In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko outlined several areas of co-operation, “Firstly, it is necessary to strengthen the international status of our Commonwealth. It must be constantly present on the global information agenda. We are united in our assessment of many events affecting the development of the region and humanity as a whole. We talk about this at different venues, but, unfortunately, we often do this separately. We need to more often combine our voices into a single voice of the CIS that should be heard at full power and lead to concrete actions, especially today.”

The President drew attention to the fact that we are witnessing a profound crisis in international relations, “Could we have imagined earlier that any country would ban the entry of the UN Secretary General? It is important to stand together against illegal unilateral economic restrictions. Today they affect not only Belarus and Russia. Actually, all CIS countries are under threat of secondary sanctions.”

The President of Belarus said that the second direction covers countering the spread of alien extremist ideologies and attempts to involve citizens in illegal, including terrorist, activities. In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the timely initiative to develop a programme of co-operation in the field of deradicalisation, “I suggest to instruct the CIS Executive Committee to intensify the exchange of experience between law enforcement officers who specialise in cybersecurity issues.”

According to the Belarusian leader, the third direction is the achievement of the CIS technological sovereignty.

“Of course, the task is difficult and ambitious. We make a lot of decisions, we talk a lot, but let’s be honest: this primarily concerns humanitarian liaisons. Meanwhile, the economy is the basis of everything. Therefore, technological sovereignty today is the number one issue for the economy of our states to function normally. Western copyright holders of the latest technical solutions refuse to share their achievements, do not guarantee service and maintenance of legally purchased machinery and equipment. This also applies to healthcare, which is monstrous. That’s why, it is vital for us to introduce our inventions and developments into production, we need our own component base,” the President of Belarus underlined.

The Head of State noted that we have something to rely on, “It is no secret that today’s optimistic economic indicators of the CIS members are the result of the relations we have maintained across all areas.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that promotion and even cultivation of the value system of our Commonwealth is another strategically important area. Moreover, according to him, this refers to our historically established values, rather than those imposed or contrived European or American values.

“This is what remains when new generations come to replace us,” the Belarusian leader stressed.