Posted: 14.09.2023 11:56:00

Gaidukevich called elections in Ukraine illusory

There have been no elections in Ukraine in recent years, all this is an illusion – as stated by deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Oleg Gaidukevich in his talk with SB TV

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Programme host Polina Konoga noted, “[Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy plans to take part in the elections. He’s already quietly talking about this, though it isn’t clear how the country will conduct them in the current situation.”

“I will make one small remark: there are no elections in Ukraine and never have been in recent years. There is an imitation of elections, because any candidate who appears in Ukraine and says that it is necessary to build normal relations with Russia will be destroyed. Remember Medvedchuk, how they persecuted him and how they persecuted the party he heads, how they imprisoned him, how they destroyed him. Thus, there is an imitation of elections in which the West controls everything,” Oleg Gaidukevich is convinced.

As an example, the deputy cited the recent elections in Ukraine, when Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Petro Poroshenko were the main contenders for the post of head of state.

“Between whom did the Ukrainian people choose? Between two candidates backed by the same people with money and the same Western centres. Zelenskyy beautifully deceived the people, because he came to power with the slogan that he would stop the war. But he became the bloodiest president of Ukraine in all the years. This is a tragedy. There are no elections, this is an illusion, just as there are none in Poland. Two parties: one of them is pro-American, and another one is also pro-American. The only difference is that some are for abortion and others are against abortion, some are more for Europe, others are more in favour of the USA. But the meaning of politics will not change. And politicians in Poland who advocate good relations with us will not be allowed to participate in the elections. Here is the Western model of so-called democracy. It’s an illusion of choice. They wanted to do the same with us. So that elections are held every year and candidates compete in who hates Russia more,” Oleg Gaidukevich underlined.