Posted: 16.10.2023 13:26:00

Expert: Lukashenko once again confirmed that Belarus is locomotive of integration on global scale

Aleksandr Lukashenko – being not just a strong leader, but the strongest one on the planet, who is not afraid to speak of the acute problems that exist today in the CIS and around the globe – is a locomotive of integration and a person who wholeheartedly supports the welfare of the Belarusian people and all mankind, political expert Nikolai Volovich believes

Commenting on the CIS Council of Heads of State meeting held in Bishkek last week and the important statements made by the President of Belarus, the expert stressed that the summit played a significant role not only for the post-Soviet space and Eurasian community, but also for the whole of the world – ‘since Aleksandr Lukashenko once again confirmed there that Belarus is a locomotive of integration not only in the post-Soviet space, but also on global scales’. “After all, the initiatives outlined at the summit, the points that our President highlighted (i.e. the economy should be at the heart of any integration) are, of course, very important. We see that the CIS countries can develop only by uniting their efforts. These are the states that enjoyed the closest economic, political and humanitarian co-operation in Soviet times. As the Belarusian leader said, it cannot be destroyed, it needs to be developed,” Mr. Volovich noted.

The expert added, “At the same time, such global players as the People's Republic of China, such associations as BRICS and SCO can complement the integration processes on the territory of the former Soviet Union and become one of the poles of world power. We are well aware today that a multipolar system of the world order is being formed, and the CIS – Belarus, in particular – plays a key role in this process. Aleksandr Lukashenko – being not just a strong leader, but the strongest one on the planet, who is not afraid to speak of the acute problems that exist today in the CIS and around the globe – is a locomotive of integration and a person who wholeheartedly supports the welfare of the Belarusian people and all mankind.”

Speaking about the most significant issues raised at the Bishkek CIS summit, Mr. Volovich emphasised, “Firstly, everyone is interested in the situation in the Middle East. Secondly, the attitude towards Russia as a whole is in focus. At present, the collective West, the entire political mafia that rules in the West adhere to the so-called cancellation culture: that is, neither Russia nor Russian culture exist for them. This is a very dangerous trend, such a policy was once carried out in the Third Reich – just recall how cultures and their representatives were destroyed. Something similar is now happening in relation to the East Slavic civilisation as a whole. After all, Belarus is facing the same problems today: the country is being pressured by sanctions, and it is clear that this is being done primarily for its geopolitical choice, for its choice in favour of an alliance with fraternal Russia. These are acute points, and they relate to the Belarus-Russia integration, respect for the Russian language (about which the Belarusian President also spoke very clearly, giving a message to all the CIS leaders), and the need to preserve ourselves, our identity and language (I mean, Belarusian and Russian languages). We should pay attention to all the geopolitical issues that are developing around Belarus and the Union State as a whole. Only together, only in the unity of Belarus and Russia, jointly with all CIS countries can we effectively resist the sanctions pressure that has been imposed against the Russian Federation and Belarus.”