Teachers’ work in educating real patriots is of particular importance, believes PM Golovchenkoko
On the eve of Teachers’ Day, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko presented state awards to employees of the education system – as is traditional
At a solemn event held at the Palace of the Republic, the Prime Minister congratulated those present on the upcoming professional holiday and awarded more than fifty people from the sphere of education.
“This holiday is celebrated not only by teachers, but also schoolchildren, their parents and former graduates. We all were students in the past and still remember our beloved teachers – those who put their whole hearts, experience and talent into education of the younger generation, those who shared their knowledge and warmth with us,” Mr. Golovchenko said.
As the Prime Minister noted, Belarusian teachers have always honourably fulfilled their most important mission: education of young people. Wisdom, dedication, patience and constant creative search of our teachers contribute to formation of a new generations of independent Belarus.
“In our modern times, teachers’ work in educating real patriots of the country, forming a sense of belonging to the heroic past, respect for the Belarusian nation’s traditions is becoming particularly important. It’s a paramount task and the state relies on your help in its implementation. Teachers have always been at the centre of the country's public life. You are a reliable support of the state, educate your pupils and contribute to formation of their high moral ideals – which is quite challengeable in the era of modern culture. You should help your students understand the complex processes that are taking place in the world and society. You should develop their personal qualities and abilities to think creatively, critically perceive any information, find a way out of any difficult situation. Of course, it is also necessary to teach young people to make decisions, take responsibility and analyse their actions,” the Prime Minister said.
Mr. Golovchenko noted that a great world is opening up to children and two pillars of education – families and teachers – determine their path to this world. “Having identified education as a priority of our state’s development, society confides the future of children – which are the basis of any society – to you. For its part, the state continues to pay great attention to development of the education system and strengthening of its material and technical base. The volume of education sphere financing in Belarus is commensurate with expenditures of the developed countries to exceed $3.2bn a year – or more than five percent of the country's GDP,” he said.
In his speech, Mr. Golovchenko also tackled the issue of educational institutions’ up-to-date equipment. In recent years, 1,500 physics, chemistry and biology classrooms have been equipped at Belarusian schools, gymnasiums and lyceums at the expense of the Republican budget. About 8,000 personal computers and multi-boards have been purchased.
“Work continues to update the network of preschool and general secondary education establishments. Since early 2021, five kindergartens and seven new schools have been put into operation. At the moment, there are over 7,000 educational institutions countrywide. More than 2m people study there,” the Prime Minister informed.
Roman Golovchenko wished all those representing the education sphere good health, inspiration and well-being.