Posted: 20.04.2023 12:38:00

St. Petersburg Governor informed what Russian delegation brought to Minsk

At today’s meeting with the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov noted that he had brought a large delegation to the Belarusian capital, including in connection with the opening of Days of St. Petersburg in Minsk


"We have come not empty-handed," Mr. Beglov said. “We have brought our best ballet here, and I think we will please the guests and residents of Minsk.”

The St. Petersburg Governor noted that the presidents of the two countries had previously set a number of tasks and given relevant instructions on bilateral co-operation, “They are all completely fulfilled. We practically do not have a single point where there would not be any solutions. There were difficulties associated with global turbulence, but nevertheless, our Belarusian friends have fulfilled all their obligations.”

Mr. Beglov also appreciated the traditional quality of Belarusian food, sharing the impressions of his stay in Minsk, “The most important thing I saw – I have walked the streets a little bit – is people. You know, people are walking, and they are smiling. This is a city of smiling people. They are neat, clean and smiling. It made me so happy! Well, there are a lot of difficulties and problems, and the republic has to overcome them not easily – but people are smiling, and this is great. This lifts the spirits. City transport is also organised well, coming according to timetable. Electronic boards are available for people, and this is also pleasing. Therefore, I would like to congratulate all Minsk residents for such a good organisation of work and for cleanliness.”