Posted: 29.12.2021 12:34:57

Runets about Belarusian People’s Congress

Tatiana Runets, Chairperson of the Standing Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance of the Council of the Republic, member of the Constitutional Commission, shared her views with correspondent, asserting that the Constitution of any country is not a dogma and an archaic document

“With the development of the state and society, the Basic Law of the country should be transformed and modified, proceeding from the needs of the population, modern realities of life, challenges and threats facing the state,” added Tatiana Runets. “I am convinced that the improvement of the Basic Law is a guarantee of the future for any state.”

According to her, the published draft of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is precisely aimed at consolidating the fundamental aspects of the development of modern Belarusian society, preserving and strengthening the continuity of historical experience, improving the mechanisms of state administration, and optimising its functions.

“The innovations include a new institution – the Belarusian People’s Congress – which will become another instrument on the way of strengthening the people’s rule in the country,” the parliamentarian draws attention. “These also include a one-session period of work of both chambers of the Parliament, a single day of voting for people’s representatives of all levels, their five-year electoral period, etc. Moreover, the main difference of the country’s political course remains in the focus: its social orientation, consolidation of the main priorities of the state at the constitutional level, such as supporting families with children, orphans, disabled people and ensuring equal opportunities for the latter in the exercise of their rights and freedoms.

Meanwhile, many of the proposals reflected in the draft Constitution were initiated by members of the Council of the Republic. At the same time, there still serious work lies ahead to finalise the final version of the Basic Law, which will be submitted to the public referendum in mid-February.

“Every citizen of our country can become involved in this process, expressing their proposals for improving the country’s main document. From us, parliamentarians, further legislative filling will be required for the adoption of new and adjustment of a significant number of existing regulations – the creation of legal mechanisms for the introduction of constitutional innovations,” concluded Tatiana Runets.