Posted: 30.09.2024 13:43:00

Kochanova: worldwide interest in Belarus remains huge

Belarus is ready to liaise only with those states that are constructive towards our country – as stated by Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova

“The President has opened many doors for us,” Ms. Kochanova underlined. “Today, the Parliament, the Government, local authorities, business and public structures should make every effort to promote the interests of our country, because there is a huge interest in Belarus all over the world. Parliamentarians are actively engaged in international activities. We have 42 friendship groups, 5 higher-level committees and commissions for co-operation with different countries of the world. This work is quite intensive. It is clear that European countries are not listening to us now, they are biased towards us. Meanwhile, we are working with those states that treat us constructively.”

In this regard, the Speaker of the Council of the Republic recalled the participation of Belarus’ official delegation in the 4th Eurasian Women’s Forum, held in St. Petersburg and bringing together representatives from 127 countries.

“I was telling the truth about our country because we are very concerned about what is happening around Belarus now,” Ms. Kochanova noted. “Provocations and pressure from the West have one goal: to bring destruction to our society. You can see for yourself how they are trying to present our country, that we are allegedly aggressors here, ready to start a war and there is a need to defend from us. I talked about this and that women all over the world should unite, because nothing will be needed if war comes.”