Posted: 17.09.2024 15:00:00

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On September 17th — National Unity Day — Belarus’ First News TV Channel began broadcasting

Kirill Stasko

This is now the only round-the-clock information TV channel in the country, part of the Belteleradiocompany. There has been nothing like it in terms of level and concept in the national media space. First News Channel is listed as the fifth following Belarus 1, Second National TV Channel (ONT), Stolichnoye Televideniye (STV), and MIR.  
Ivan Eismont, Chairman of the Belteleradiocompany, has unveiled that the broadcast schedule of the new channel envisages news broadcasts once an hour, “This is where its value lies — the finest hour of First News Channel comes when important events happen in the country and around the world. With this channel, we have the freedom to act because there is no need to wait until the next newscast. Now we can go on air immediately. The main mission of the channel is to provide as much complete and reliable information as possible to people who watch television.”  
According to Ivan Eismont, Internet wars and fake news have become a feature of the modern world.
First News Channel is designed to provide Belarusians with verified, truthful, and relevant content.
In parallel with the new ‘button’, the Belteleradiocompany has presented an updated website, which is made to visually match the style of First News Channel. It is a full-fledged independent information resource, where around a hundred news reports of various formats will appear daily in three languages: Russian, Belarusian and English.

Based on materials of