Posted: 18.09.2023 18:00:00

Polish security forces shooting at refugees

The military of Belarus’ neighbouring state use not only physical force and tear gas against migrants: the practice of Polish violence towards defenceless people is also accompanied by firing from military weapons

Sound thoughts tend not to linger for long in the Polish politicians’ minds: even a minor ‘breeze’ from the side of Brussels or Washington makes their prudence disappear through the cracks in their own fences erected on the border with Belarus. Refugees overcome the 5m barrier quite easily, climbing it over, making tunnels or simply sawing metal elements through. Of course, the Belarusian side does not justify such actions, detecting and deporting illegal immigrants – but is it possible to calmly look at the atrocities of the Polish security forces, who push robbed and exhausted unfortunate foreigners into the Belarusian territory through animal gates?

Military expert Igor Chibisov believes the fact that not only Polish border guards but also representatives of other military units are already active raises serious concerns. The evident tension on the border with the neighbouring country has been observed for about two years, but the military presence there has increased significantly recently, and the ratio with border guards makes about 2 to 10 now. Moreover, they hide their faces and provoke Belarusians, who, in turn, react very adequately, not descending to the level of those on the other side of the fence.

People fleeing war and devastation simply wish to live a better life, trying to get to the West, which once destroyed their homes and promised to shelter them in return. But instead, it deprives them of their last hope. It all started back in 2003, when Iraq became a victim of military aggression unleashed by Washington together with its allies. By the way, Poland was also part of that coalition, and its military contingent numbered 2,000+ people who stayed in Iraq for about five years. They willingly went there to fight not for their homeland, but to earn good money and please Washington. At present, Warsaw prefers not to recollect this fact.

When Angela Merkel opened the doors to Europe, the refugees pouring in there brought the EU politicians to a nervous tic: about 2 million migrants arrived in 2015 alone. Even then, Warsaw declared that, despite the existence of the union, Poland would stand aside migrants, refusing to accept those whom it had put on the brink of survival with its own hands, or, more precisely, with its own troops. Poland has always had a calculating mind, neglecting European norms of tolerance. It continues to do this today, when the ratings of the ruling party are seriously wobbling, increasing the internal political crisis. All these circumstances make it clearer the wild behaviour of the Polish authorities, who do not care about hungry and exhausted people freezing in the woods in the open air not so far from the EU borders. Warsaw seems starting to forget about its promises and destructive ‘tours’ in hot spots.

A Telegram channel subscriber noted, “While looking at what is happening, I cannot help thinking that I am being shown scenes from a film about the war. However, this is not an idea of the director who decided to recreate the events of the years when Poland was occupied by Nazi Germany. This is not Auschwitz, Treblinka or Majdanek. This is modern Europe – still proud that it was able to defeat fascism."

We all remember the reports from a spontaneous refugee camp; they are striking with the cynicism and cruelty of the Polish authorities and security forces. What is actually developing in minds of the European politicians, if they are, of course, still capable of an adequate assessment of the present situation? As noted by MEP Bernard Guetta, Poland betrays itself, the sense of human compassion and the Christian faith, which it so likes to speak about. The whole EU becomes an accomplice to the crime: this union violates its duty to help people in danger.

People on the Polish border still continue to suffer. They continue going where they have been invited to for years and where they were told that they live wrong and have wrong values. These people were told to move to Europe, where it would be warm and comfortable, and where benefits would be paid. Promises definitely need to be fulfilled, but certain reasons are being looked for if there is no desire to fulfil them. In this case, they are trying to demonise Belarus, and false stories are still being told to Poles that the republic is directing refugee flows to their border. It seems that Poland and the EU are lying to themselves so openly that they start to believe in what they are being told. Are the tents on the border, tear gas, water cannons, shooting and violence the very humanism and tolerance that are constantly being talked about from the high rostrums of the European Parliament?

Those from among the European media – who dare to tell honestly about how Polish taxpayers' money is spent – immediately get blacklisted. It happened so with Polish Agnieszka Holland’s Green Border. There are now attempts to ban this film, which is based on real events and clearly shows how the Polish government created ‘a conveyor of death’ to destroy migrants from the Middle East right on the Belarusian-Polish border.

The film is a participant of the Venice Film Festival and was awarded the Special Jury Prize. It has not yet been widely released, but it has already caused hysteria on the part of official Warsaw. Officials have harassed the director and are making a lot of efforts to prevent the film from being screened. The Polish Minister of Justice sharply criticised The Green Border, comparing it to Nazi propaganda. In turn, film critics note that this is the only film of the competition that speaks directly and honestly about the problems of today's reality.

According to Belarus’ State Border Committee, several cases have been recorded recently when Polish servicemen took foreigners to the fence on the border with Belarus, and then forced them out through the gate for animals. Moreover, in order to intimidate people, the Polish security forces pointed weapons at refugees and fired several shots over their heads. Such aggressive actions of Polish servicemen related to shooting are increasingly taking place near the territory of Belarus.

As noted by the State Border Committee, the use of weapons by foreign military directly at the border creates extremely dangerous prerequisites for the emergence of a border conflict. Polish officials constantly declare the existence of a hypothetical threat from Belarus, including fears of border incidents. In reality, the neighbouring military in practice commit actions that can be regarded precisely as an armed provocation. The State Border Committee reasonably wonders: what would be the reaction of Poland if a Belarusian serviceman approached the border and opened fire from his military weapon?