Posted: 29.11.2023 15:30:00

Media: US threatens Turkish business due to its relations with Russia

Representatives of the United States threatens Turkish businesses because of their trade ties with Russia, TASS reports


As the Aydınlık newspaper reports, citing an unnamed representative of the leadership of the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Council, the US sent a ‘long letter’ to the Turkish side, calling on ‘prudent traders’ to observe and follow the rules. This message – seen as a threat – also reads that nothing will happen for now. However, in the future, depending on the development of the situation in Ukraine, it is impossible to predict what may happen.

It is noted that in its message to Turkish businesses, the US allegedly warns of possible consequences for companies if they use software from the US and maintain trade relations with them.

It is known that this information appeared in the Aydınlık newspaper along with a message about the upcoming visit to Turkiye of US Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson. According to the US Department of Treasury, it plans to discuss restrictive measures against Russia.