Posted: 02.09.2024 18:33:00

Lukashenko would not like to go back to past to change something

Answering a slightly fantastic question asked during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities, Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko said he would not like to go back to the past to change something

“No, I have never had such a desire,” the President said.

The Head of State philosophically drew attention to the brevity of time, “Time is a terrible thing. Now I understand that I did not even notice how I lived for so long, especially three decades as President. I just didn’t notice that time. Time flies so fast… So remember that time is the most painful. It can’t be held back. The only thing it’s useless to fight against is time. It flies by instantly, especially if you’re busy all the time.”

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Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined the presidential packed schedule, “The whole problem is that you can’t get rid of your job even for a moment.… You’re trapped in this job, that’s the scariest thing. You wake up in the morning and an ordinary person can think of something pleasant, but you think all the time [about what] is connected with the presidency: either a drone flew into the wrong place, or someone fired there, especially now. All this is reported to you from early morning.”

According to the Belarusian leader, the topic of how to get away from everyday worries for a while is often discussed among his counterparts. Anyway, it is still impossible to completely move away from the agenda. The Head of State explained this by the example of preparing speeches for different audiences, “You have to prepare for this all your life. In order to talk to people in the same language, you have to live their lives, you have to know them. Moreover, it is desirable that you go through all this yourself.”

The President summarised, “Do not think that President is some tsar… There is no any tsardom. However, I watch these pro-Western politicians and the main thing for them is to talk about something on television.”

In a frank conversation, the Head of State also touched on the delicate topic of citizens’ trust, “People believe you, they trust you. They follow you, sometimes without thinking. This is the most difficult. There is nothing more difficult than a duty to people. You have to be sincere. As far as you can, you need to work openly, talk about it. If something is bad, it’s bad. If you say it is ‘good’, who will believe you?”

And one more philosophical observation from the President about our life, “I said recently that we live better than we work. Believe me, I feel it. One day, this will come up in front of you. People should live the way they work.”

However, according to the President, ‘this is exclusively our question. We will not go to anyone for an answer to it. We are an independent and self-sufficient country’.

“Small Belarus... Is it really small? It is great Belarus in which we, the Belarusian people, live. We’re the great nation. It’s great to me. I have to protect these people. You are great people to me,” the Head of State stressed and was greeted with applause.
