Posted: 02.09.2024 19:45:00

Lukashenko: we need to do much to stop terrible processes around Belarus

A lot needs to be done to stop the terrible processes around Belarus – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities, BelTA reports


Speaking about the situation around Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko once again drew attention to the fact that there is a very fierce struggle for leadership and possession of the latest technologies in the world. The President is convinced that the United States will not stand this war, the world will develop according to its own laws and eventually become multipolar. “The US authorities understand that if multipolarity appears, that will be the end for them,” the Head of State stressed.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, this struggle is taking place not only in the media space or the economy, but also on the battlefield. “They came right up to us. The war in Ukraine is also our problem. There is no longer any war between Russia and Ukraine. There is a war between Russia and those states that help Russia (although there’re just a few of them, but they help) and the NATO member states. Therefore, we need to do a lot to stop these terrible processes,” the President said.

The Belarusian leader added that in a short period of time – maybe in five years – it is necessary to help young people take the country into their own hands so that they can lead it further, creating conditions for a good life for future generations.