Posted: 02.09.2024 16:42:00

Lukashenko gave advice to youngsters how not to fall for provocations

While answering questions during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities, Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko advised young people how not to fall for provocations


In particular, the Head of State was asked how to distinguish truth from lies in this difficult time. The President noted that politics is always, if not a lie, then certain silencing, some unspoken words, “Do not look for truth and lies in politics. You will never find unless you plunge into politics at a high level.”

At the same time, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that he stands in favour of sincere politics, “There are two rules not to succumb to provocations. Firstly, it’s necessary to understand the situation. Secondly, there is no need to hurry. Patience is most important. I am not a model in this regard. Therefore, sometimes I say straight from the shoulder.”

In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko gave an example from August 2020, when protesters roamed Minsk, “There were 47 thousand people in the streets at the peak time. At that time, I was told that we need to show them what’s what, as they were already approaching the Independence Palace. I replied that we need to stay calm. I understood that if they seize the main centre of power, this is already a signal to everyone that the power has changed. I understood that. But I felt that I needed to stay calm and that there was no need to rush. And so they walked and walked, but when we scared them near the Independence Palace, they realised that jokes are over. We had machine guns in hands, but we didn’t shoot anyone. Patience is very crucial. If they’re already starting to kill you, then you have to respond.”

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