Posted: 02.09.2024 17:23:00

Lukashenko: Belarusians should be used as example of how to value past and protect peace

Belarusians should be used as an example of how to appreciate one’s own past and protect peace – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities


During the conversation with the Head of State, students raised the issue of the importance of preserving historical memory, stressing that it is necessary to fight the revival of the pernicious fascist ideology. Aleksandr Lukashenko was asked what can we do in our country, what projects can we implement or hold events to prevent the recurrence of such tragic events and to promote the unity of the peoples affected during the war for one common goal: to preserve peace.

“Without too much modesty, I will say that no nation can compare with what Belarus and Belarusians are doing. I think we have already done so much that it seems that there is no need to do more. Using our example, others need to learn how to be committed to this, how to appreciate it all,” the Head of State stressed.

The President recalled how in the mid-1990s they were going to demolish monuments and rename streets in Belarus, but he managed to stop these trends, “Others need to learn from us how to appreciate one’s own past. We have to go this way. It always happens with us like this: as soon as we think that everything is fine and keep our hands down, we either roll back somewhere or fail again. Therefore, we must not forget this. When I visit Khatyn, Victory Square, I always tell people to come to these monuments and bring their children here. As soon as we forget the way to the monuments, it will all happen again.”