Posted: 03.07.2023 19:00:00

Lukashenko to creative people: you must create for the nation and for the sake of peace

At a solemn awarding ceremony for cultural figures, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, made especially underlined that the topic of civic duty, patriotism, and devotion to the interests of the country should sound sharper in our cultural environment


The Head of State addressed not only the awarded cultural figures, but the entire creative family, the heirs of the winners, who – both in peacetime and in wartime – have always been with the country, with the people, “Art brought the Great Victory closer. The artistes defended their homeland, raising the morale of the soldiers with their concerts on the front lines. And some even fought with weapons in their hands, like artistes of our Bolshoi Theatre. Unfortunately, today the topic of civic duty, patriotism, and devotion to the interests of the country don’t sound in the cultural environment and in contemporary works as acute as it was at that time.”

The Belarusian Head of State urged not to forget that the world is very fragile, “Yes, we live under a clear sky, but in the conditions of information war, economic war, in the face of unprecedented challenges to our independence. It depends on you what the future of Belarus will be like, what the future of our Belarusians will be like.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko gave a sincere advice to cultural workers, “I’ll tell you straightforwardly, in pursuit of high-profile fame, do not lose your common sense and your personal responsibility. It’s very easy to cross the line beyond which blackness and betrayal begins, but it is much more difficult to regain trust. I’m talking about the trust of the whole nation. You must create for the nation and for the sake of peace.”

The President assured the artistes that the state would continue to pay close attention to their work, “Do not hesitate: your talent will always be appreciated. Not a single brilliant project will be left without attention. I guarantee you. I sincerely wish you creative inspiration, recognition and success, alongside new bright projects for the benefit of our Belarus! As we agreed with you, every year on July 3rd, on this beautiful evening, we will honour the best of the best. It was you that primarily determined, while I had to reject or support your proposals. I supported them and you will see these worthy people.”