Posted: 15.10.2024 09:07:46

‘We need a strong union of powerful, economically self-sufficient sovereign states’

A three-day working visit by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, to the Russian Federation took place last week. In Moscow, Aleksandr Lukashenko participated in a meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council and held talks with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. There were also numerous meetings in an informal setting.


‘Attempts to demonise the Soviet past do not stop.’ Who and why in the West is fighting against the ghost?

The summit in Moscow was attended by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the prime minister of Armenia. The CIS leaders exchanged views on co-operation in a narrow format, and then continued discussions in a broader setting.
The meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council in a narrow format was opened by President of Russia Vladimir Putin, “The member states of the Commonwealth are the closest neighbours, friends, and strategic partners for us. We are committed to strengthening our co-operation across the board. I am confident that we have possibilities for launching new major mutually beneficial projects in industry, agriculture, finance, and infrastructure.” 
President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko put forward a number of proposals to bolster regional integration, which is particularly relevant in the context of the profound crisis in international relations. Our adversaries in the West are opposed to the formation of a new multipolar and just world order. They do not want another centre of power, which is why they will try to divide our countries and peoples. This means that we need to cherish what we have, as stated by Aleksandr Lukashenko,
“The Soviet Union ceased to exist long ago, yet the West’s attempts to demonise the Soviet past do not stop. They are still fighting against a ghost. This means that we need to cherish what we have. All those who have not broken away from our Commonwealth show solid results today, have control over their countries, and remain full-fledged subjects of international relations. The overall goal is clear — we need a strong union of powerful, economically self-sufficient sovereign states.” 

CIS priorities in the quotes by Aleksandr Lukashenko  

During the summit, the President of Belarus outlined Minsk’s initiatives regarding the priority areas for the CIS development:  
Strengthening the CIS international status 
”We are united in our assessment of many events that affect the development of the region and humanity as a whole. We need to more frequently unite our voices into one voice of the CIS. It is important to stand together against illegal unilateral economic restrictions. They affect not only Belarus and Russia. All CIS countries are under threat of secondary sanctions.” 
Countering the imposition of alien extremist ideologies and attempts to involve citizens in illegal activities, including terrorism  
“I propose to instruct the CIS Executive Committee to intensify the experience exchange among law enforcement agencies that specialise in cybersecurity issues.”  
Achieving technological sovereignty in the CIS space  
“The economy is the backbone of everything. Technological sovereignty today is the number one task to ensure the normal functioning of our states’ economies. It is vital for us to introduce our inventions and developments into production. We need our own component base.”  
Promoting and cultivating the CIS value system 
“Historically established values, rather than imposed European or American ones, is what remains when new generations come to the fore.”

Right granted by history itself

Aleksandr Lukashenko delivered the addresses to the CIS peoples and the global community in connection with the 80th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, “Our country was granted this right by history itself, being the first Soviet republic to take the brunt of the Wehrmacht divisions and to halt their victorious march across Europe. This right was given to us by the heroes who stood to death in the Brest Fortress and at the approaches to all Belarusian cities, blocking the path to Moscow. Representatives of 70 nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder with Belarusians. All of them knew that they were standing against an absolute, universal evil.”
The Belarusian leader pointed out that in some countries of liberated Europe, SS legionnaires are honoured, “Neo-Nazis openly march through the streets, demolishing and desecrating monuments to soldiers-liberators. Young people participating in this witches’ Sabbath — raised in the spirit of national superiority and revanchism — have no idea of the course of history. They were made to forget that they owe the fact of their birth to Soviet soldiers who paid with their lives for peace on their land, for the freedom of their countries, for the future of their peoples.
Memory can be stolen, but truth cannot — if it were not for the heroism of the Soviet people, there would be none of those states and people who are now doing everything to discredit the feat of the Soviet people and take away our Great Victory. The historical rightness of our peoples is an obstacle to the implementation of the West’s long-term geopolitical plans, in which there is no place for other strong powers.
We are absolutely united today in protecting the feat of our peoples and our shared memory. Today’s address in the name of peace fully meets the interests of our Commonwealth and humanity, which is on the verge of a new catastrophe.”   
In order to preserve military memorials, monuments and sites of memory dedicated to the feats of Soviet soldiers, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to compile a general register of the memorial heritage of the Great Patriotic War.

‘We need to maintain the level of simple human communication’ 

The Belarusian leader noted that the CIS was created by politicians who understood the value of national unity, “A generation that understands the importance of national sovereignty and independence will come to politics. What should we pass on to them? Firstly, the unique Soviet experience of the peoples’ movement towards a common goal without prejudice to national interests. This is a consolidation model of diverse cultures, religions, and traditions in the name of the goal.  
Secondly, the common historical achievements, such as the Great Victory, the labour feat of the post-war generation, the first flight into space, and many others. Every success is based on the joint contribution of our peoples. We definitely must pass on this history to those who will come after us.”  
“We need to maintain the level of simple human communication. This could be backed by the revival of international youth construction projects within the CIS,” believes Aleksandr Lukashenko.  
The President emphasised that our countries were together when they celebrated the day of the Great Victory 80 years ago, “Belarus supports declaring 2025 Year of the 80th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War to be Year of Peace and Unity in Fight against Nazism, which is once again becoming a threat to all humanity.” 

Summit outcomes 

  • At the meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council, the issue of the activities of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly aimed at strengthening integration co-operation was discussed. The summit participants approved amendments to a number of documents on interaction in the legal and security areas. The co-operation programme for deradicalisation for the years 2025–2027 was endorsed.  
  • Cultural capitals of the Commonwealth for the next three years were determined: in 2027, this status will be granted to Molodechno, in 2025 and 2026 — to the Azerbaijani city of Lachin and the Armenian city of Meghri, respectively.  
  • A decision was made to establish an honorary title of the CIS — City of Labour Glory. 1941–1945.  
  • The chairmanship of the CIS Heads of State Council will pass to Tajikistan from January 1st, 2025. The next meeting will be held in October next year in Dushanbe.
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