Posted: 29.09.2023 13:00:00

Lukashenko proposed to declare 2024 Year of Quality

During his today’s visit to the Belynichi District, Mogilev Region, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, proposed declaring 2024 Year of Quality


During his working trip, the Head of State was informed about the comprehensive repair of the road network in promising rural settlements.

The Housing and Utilities Minister, Gennady Trubilo, reported to the President that 5.8m+ square metres of the road network were repaired in the country last year (against 3.9m square metres in 2021). The plan for 2023 – 6.26m square metres – has already been exceeded by 3.1 percent.

The Belarusian leader commented, “It's good that you have exceeded [the set task], but you should not forget that you will bear responsibility for the quality. There should be no bad quality, because it's very expensive. Therefore, square metres are good, but the quality is the key. I think we should declare 2024 Year of Quality. Everything is fine with us: we produce large volumes, and Belarus enjoys great demand, but we still have quality-related problems. Therefore, quality should be in the focus, and those responsible should be held accountable. Get ready that next year will be Year of Quality – the quality on the land, in animal husbandry, industry, agriculture, maintenance, and roads.”