Posted: 28.10.2024 14:28:00

Lukashenko outlined priority areas in working with Sakhalin: import substitution, innovations, transport

Belarus is ready to liaise with Sakhalin in various areas that will be beneficial for both sides – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s meeting with Governor of Russia’s Sakhalin Region Valery Limarenko


Import substitution

The President said that this topic was also high on the agenda during his today’s meeting with Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, “We need to be independent in all directions. We need to make sure that all types of goods are not brought to us, but exported from us, and that Russia and Belarus are even asked to produce certain goods.”

The Belarusian leader stated that much has already been done, and Russia is helping with financing our projects, “On top of that, we have more projects now than we planned. We have just discussed this with Denis Manturov. Our joint projects range from microelectronics to aircraft building. We are going to build the Osvey aircraft in Belarus, which will be in great demand in the future in Russia (it is already much sought after today). These are new horizons for us, new competencies in aircraft building. This can be applied to all directions. We need to be economically independent.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed confidence that over the next five years the parties will achieve almost complete import substitution, noting with a smile this fact, “If there won’t be [sanctions] pressure, we can relax. All these sanctions are a time of opportunity.”

Innovation and eco-friendly transport

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Sakhalin is conducting a unique experiment to create carbon neutrality, “As a result of your experience, the world’s first BELAZ heavy-duty vehicle will run on hydrogen fuel.”

Belarus also practices the widespread introduction of eco-friendly transport. The country boasts experience in transitioning certain routes to electric transport, particularly, electric buses will run along the Minsk-Zhodino and Mogilev-Shklov routes. The Head of State said that we are ready to liaise in this area.

Transport logistics and construction

The President noted that Belarus could join the implementation of a project in the Russian region to create an international transport and logistics hub through the modernisation of the Korsakov commercial seaport and the construction of fish processing plants.

As for fisheries, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he had asked the Russian leader to allocate fishing and processing quotas for Belarus, “We’re grateful for being granted these quotas for a decade ahead. We will build an appropriate processing plant in the Vitebsk Region.”

In general, as far as agriculture and food are concerned, the President noted that if Russian colleagues have any wishes in this regard, Belarus is ready to work. This also applies to many other issues.

“We are not strangers to you. Back in the days of Kozhemyako [Oleg Kozhemyako, the Governor of the Sakhalin Region in 2015-2018, now Governor of the Primorsky Krai] we worked on Sakhalin. Distances don’t matter here. We will liaise and work with you. I am sure that we will do a lot more together with you,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.