Posted: 02.09.2024 13:09:00

Lukashenko: our task is to conduct new sci-tech revolution in accelerated mode

It is necessary to carry out a new sci-tech revolution in Belarus in an accelerated mode – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities

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Addressing the audience, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed, “Our task is to carry out a new sci-tech revolution in an accelerated mode. Only in such conditions will there be a chance to survive as a state and prevent a major war on our land. This is the harsh truth of life, and I want you to understand the seriousness of the historical moment.”

The President noted that the state and the older generation rely much on the current youngsters, ‘since tomorrow you will work in production or in the laboratory, moving forward scientific thought’, “We’re counting on you. We hope that you will be ready to make tremendous efforts to achieve the goal set for the state.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed confidence that all the problems and issues of interest will be discussed at the meeting in the open mic format, which may be continued in decision-making in the future.
