Posted: 26.08.2022 12:11:00

Lukashenko on import substitution: no joy without alloy

Aleksandr Lukashenko is on a visit to the Vavilov Minsk Mechanical Plant – Managing Company of BelOMO Holding


Today, the enterprises of the holding work stably, with a net profit, and their goods enjoy popularity. Moreover, the plant will be implementing an import-substituting project to create ABS and EBS braking systems.

“The whole Russia is standing in queue, especially after the sanctions were imposed,” said Aleksandr Moroz, Director General of the Vavilov Minsk Mechanical Plant.

“No joy without alloy. Do we have growth prospects here?” asked the Head of State.

Aleksandr Lukashenko was reported that BelOMO enterprises export most of their products (65 percent), with half of them going to non-CIS states. One of the promising projects that the holding’s specialists are working on is the creation of ABS and EBS brake drive systems for vehicles and trailers for the needs of Belarusian and Russian enterprises. It is assumed that the systems will be developed for heavy vehicles, buses, trolleybuses and agricultural machinery.

By the end of the year, the company plans to start the first tests of the ABS system while the EBS system will be ready in a year. The project is being financed via the holding’s own and borrowed funds.

In terms of optics and mechanics, Belarusian technologies today are at a high world level. The main goods of Minsk manufacture are optical products. The President was shown new developments in the field of optoelectronics and was told about further development prospects.

According to Aleksandr Moroz, the holding pays special attention to the establishment of production facilities in small towns. In particular, a new breath will be given to the Zenit Plant in Vileika while a production facility will appear in Rogachev.