Posted: 11.09.2024 17:04:00

German expert: ongoing terrible sanctions policy must definitely be stopped

Western countries must definitely end the economic war and directly co-operate, rather than impose a liberal dictatorship – as stated by German business consultant Klaus Bernecker in his talk with on the side-lines of the Congress of Patriotic Forces organised in Minsk by the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus under the motto For Peace and Development and dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders

The German guest thanked the organisers for the impressive congress, “I am very glad that I can participate in it. It is a wonderful, magnificent forum, and very smart people speak here. Angela Merkel's famous interview about the true meaning of the Minsk-2 treaty once clearly showed that it was not Russia and Belarus that wanted the war which is currently underway in Ukraine: the West wanted it. It is the strategic goal of the latter: to economically destroy Russia and Belarus. When I was driving here, I was shocked to see a queue of trucks at the border stretching for about 30km. This indicates that there is an economic war going on against the peoples of Russia and Belarus, and also against the peoples of Western Europe. We must definitely stop this terrible sanctions policy.”

Klaus Bernecker recalled the lessons of history: Russia and Europe have always liaised well economically. “Therefore, it is necessary to end the economic war and co-operate directly, rather than to impose a liberal dictatorship," the expert from Germany is convinced.

The Congress of Patriotic Forces was held on September 9th-10th and aimed to unite healthy political forces, demonstrate the will for mutually beneficial co-operation, peace without sanctions, wars and pressure. More than fifty guests from the Russian Federation, the European Union and other countries took part in the event. As its organisers emphasised, the forum became a great opportunity to convey the position of Belarus’ President about the processes that are taking place in our common home today.