Posted: 02.09.2024 15:55:00

Lukashenko explained what keeps US global leadership

The United States has achieved all its wealth at the expense of developing countries – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region universities


The Belarusian leader noted that many technologies originated in the US, and there is a reason for this, “The US prints money, being able to inject any money into development and receiving certain resources due to this. Like a vacuum cleaner, the US pulled the best minds from all over the world, paid them good money and developed these technologies.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that in this economic competition, the Americans even managed to ‘humiliate’ Germany with its most powerful economy, “The enterprises that worked in Germany have all rushed to the US due to good conditions created there. Moreover, after WWII, the US became largely a monopolist and a powerful state, primarily at our expense. Americans produce almost a third of the world’s wealth at our expense. As long as they monopolise the US Dollar and print it, they will take the lead”

The Head of State recalled the history of the creation of nuclear weapons. Thanks to the efforts of the Soviet Union, the United States failed to become a monopolist in this area.

“What would have been if it hadn’t happened? If there were no Soviet nuclear shield today, which is concentrated in Russia, we would not exist. Today they don’t know what to do with us: if they try to be tougher, they will be responded with a nuclear strike, which will destroy the entire planet. And they don’t want to die, because they – those who make these decisions – enjoy a well-fed and good life,” Aleksandr Lukashenko explained.

The President noted that new players are emerging now in the geopolitical arena (China, India and other countries) that have reached a very high level of development and do not agree with the current world order.