Posted: 24.07.2024 11:33:00

Lukashenko demands to stick to tactics during harvesting: now it’s not a question of strategy

During the harvesting campaign, it is necessary to adhere to tactics and take into account the present situation, including weather conditions – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, during his today’s visit to the Voskhod agricultural enterprise in the Minsk Region

Upon arrival, the Head of State made a range of remarks, which he drew attention to when assessing the situation from a helicopter, “We need to look at tactics; now it’s not a question of strategy. We have a big scope of work ahead… We were happy that it was a good year. Now everything has become ripe at the same time.”

The Head of State was informed in detail about the technology of rapeseed cultivation in the field.

Moreover, it is necessary to clean up the fields laid by the hurricane, but primary attention should be paid to high-yielding fields.

The President also outlined problematic issues, particularly, unkempt territories in the Minsk Region, “I will not say that this is a disaster. But these lands don’t meet the level of the Minsk Region. Everything has to be cleaned up.”

In the rapeseed field, the Head of State was reported in detail about the technology of cultivation of the crop, whose yield here reaches 55 quintals per hectare.

Chief agronomist of the agricultural company Igor Protosenya stressed that it is very important to strictly adhere to technology.

The Belarusian leader appreciated the result, frankly admitting that he hasn’t seen such rapeseed.

The next point was the enterprise’s grain yard, where Aleksandr Lukashenko talked with employees and got acquainted with the progress of affairs.

The President unexpectedly visited the livestock complex of the enterprise, where he was shown the conditions for keeping livestock and was informed about the performance indicators. The annual milk production per cow here stands at 9,400kg of milk. Meanwhile, the level of management in general needs to be increased, and the Head of State rated it as ‘below average’.

Today, it is necessary to settle the issue of the expediency of the reconstruction of this facility. The second option is to build a new one, but there are nuances: the location within the settlement.

“It is necessary to decide: either to restore and reconstruct, or to build something new. There’s a lot of chaos and confusion here. You just need to put things in order here. Every piece of land must be cultivated, and perfect order must be put in place by autumn. It is necessary to upgrade the farm and to see what needs to be done here,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

Hence the instruction to work out the issue of the facility in Atolino. The main thing is not to occupy agricultural lands.

Before leaving, the Head of State said that he would additionally familiarise with the situation from the air in the Minsk, Dzerzhinsk and a number of other districts. The current trip turned out to be sudden for everyone: the heads of the economy and the district, and for journalists. Moreover, the President determined on the spot the points that he would look at and where he wanted to go. It is expected that this practice will continue.
