Posted: 17.07.2024 14:57:00

Laureates of Government Quality Excellence Awards honoured in Minsk

The winners of the 2023 Government Quality Excellence Contest have been awarded in Minsk. This title has been first awarded to seven organisations for achieving significant results in the field of quality and competitiveness of products, services or works, the introduction of innovative technologies and modern management methods, while another twenty-two companies have confirmed this high rank.


During the awards ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik noted, “The jubilee competition was held in the Year of Quality. Choosing the best is a difficult and stressful task. Today there are many who adequately represent Belarus beyond its borders. The manufacturing industry is developing dynamically, and the food industry has significantly increased. Consumers have tasted Belarusian products which enjoy big popularity. Science is also working well, with many developments finding application in the real sector of the economy.”

The laureates include Integral – Holding Management Company, whose CEO Andrei Buinevich shared the secret of success, “2023 is one of the most successful years for us. We’ve worked with good indicators in terms of the growth rate of production. Our goods were exported both to traditional markets and those of the far arc countries. In H1 2024, we’ve maintained the pace and are even moving ahead of the planned tasks set by the Industry Ministry. All our plans in terms of the development of production capacities, as well as the development of new types of products are determined in the roadmap of the Belarusian-Russian co-operation in microelectronics. As for quality, this is the main indicator for us.”

The leader of the country’s passenger car industry – BelGee JSC – is constantly working to improve the quality of its vehicles. Director Gennady Svidersky admits that it is doubly honourable to receive the Government Award in the Year of Quality, “Last year we bought a license to produce automobiles under our own brand. It was important for us to confirm the quality standards while having our own brand. We’re happy that we’ve succeeded, especially in the Year of Quality. Our company has implemented the 5S quality management system which deals with the lean manufacturing.”

Quality is the key to the success for one of Belarus’ leading agro-industrial enterprises: Agrokombinat Snov. Chairman of the Board Nikolai Radoman is convinced that without quality it is impossible to gain the trust of consumers, “The Government Award is a comprehensive assessment of the work of the entire enterprise. We’ve already achieved a yield of 100 quintals per hectare, launching the most advanced farming technologies. We’re breeding new breeds of cattle. As for the processing industry, our technologists are developing new varieties and types of products that enjoy well-deserved prestige among our consumers. We have no problems with the sale of our products in both domestic and foreign markets. We export about $12m of our products. We win over our customers with quality.”