Posted: 28.10.2024 18:00:23

Kochanova on new convocation of Youth Parliament: much interesting work lies ahead

Youth policy is among the priorities of Belarus’ state social policy – as noted by the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic, Natalya Kochanova, at the first sitting of the Youth Council (Parliament) of the third convocation at the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus

“You know how much attention our President is paying to young people today: he knows well that the future relies on you,” Ms. Kochanova emphasised. “It already depends on you what the country will look like. Generations are changing, and new young people are coming: they will continue preserving the traditions of our sovereign and independent Belarus. Over the past four years of the work of the two previous convocations, a youth movement has begun developing. We now have good programmes and campaigns that unite young people from the Youth Council. The Youth Parliamentary Forum has been held twice. Youth structures are present in all spheres of life, and you should actively work with them in order to understand what your peers are concerned about.”

Ms. Kochanova added that the year 2024 is special for Belarus: it celebrates the 80th anniversary of the country’s liberation from Nazi invaders, the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution and the 30th anniversary of the institution of the presidency.

“We have just entered a politically important stage in the life of our country: the Presidential election is scheduled for January 26th, 2025. The country will determine its future and further development. So your work starts in an interesting period, and, of course, you will be directly involved in these events. 2025 is the year of the Great Victory. Together with you, we will prepare and hold a number of events dedicated to this important event. We are proud of our previous generations, who defended our freedom and independence, who restored the country after the devastation and who created a sovereign Belarus after the USSR collapse. We live in a beautiful and prosperous country, and this should be cherished. Take care of what was created by the previous generations. Actually, your work will give you certain skills and knowledge, and it will help see from the inside how the state apparatus functions. Not everyone has such an opportunity, that is why I am sincerely urging you to work actively. Do everything to ensure that the coming two years [the term of office of the convocation] will be productive for you," Ms. Kochanova stated.