Posted: 09.09.2024 14:36:00

Former Slovak Ambassador to Belarus: it’s necessary to negotiate to end war, rather than adapt to situation

Slovakia is a member of the European Union, but this does not mean that the country’s authorities should obediently follow all instructions from Brussels – as noted by former Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Belarus Jozef Migas at the Congress of Patriotic Forces organised by Belarus’ Liberal Democratic Party under the slogan: For Peace and Development

Jozef Migas noted that war is the most terrible thing in the history of mankind.

“Peace is the most precious thing. Patriotic forces, let’s unite around this value. I agree with the President of Belarus, who says that it is necessary to end the war, and only then think about who is to blame, to pay of, etc. The war must be stopped. It is necessary to sit and negotiate, diplomats should work on this, rather than just adapt to a certain situation. Preserving peace and fighting for it is something that must be put into the heads of our children,” he stressed.

Josef Migas also stressed that Slovakia should pursue a sovereign policy.

“The elections have been held. We want to pursue a sovereign foreign and domestic policy. What’s wrong with that? We are members of the European Union, but this does not mean that we should obediently sit somewhere and do what, e.g., Ursula von der Leyen’s bureaucracy wants,” he added.