Posted: 03.09.2024 10:22:04

Media to play leading role in upcoming election campaign

The media will play a leading role in the upcoming presidential election campaign — as noted by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, while being reported on topical issues of information policy


The participants of the meeting included Deputy Head of the President Administration Vladimir Pertsov, Information Minister Marat Markov, President’s Press Secretary Natalya Eismont, and Belteleradiocompany Chairman Ivan Eismont. 
Starting the conversation, the President noted that he wished to discuss a number of topical issues regarding the mass media, “There is nothing to hide here: we are about to enter the election campaign. The media, fortunately, will play almost one of the leading roles in this situation. I say fortunately because it will be mass media and not some problems, wars and so on. It is better to fight on this field, although it is not easy at all.” 
During the election campaign, the Belarusian media should work calmly and show the public the results of what the country has achieved recently, as stated by Aleksandr Lukashenko. 
The Head of State stressed that the media cover the most relevant topics and underlined the importance of their preparation for the election campaign,
“During this election campaign, we need to demonstrate what we have achieved over this time. There is no need to fabricate anything. We obviously have a lot to show our people. It is true that we have drawbacks, but everyone has them. In any case, much has been accomplished, and we need to show it to our people. Let them decide what to do and whom to choose.”
The Belarusian leader stressed that it was not necessary to be staunch supporters of the current President if he decided to run for presidency, “We need to calmly show what we have.”
The interaction between the Belarusian and Russian media should be bolstered, Aleksandr Lukashenko underscored. 
One of the issues that the Head of State is considering today is interaction with leading Russian media, which needs to be expanded. “This co-operation needs to be strengthened. Recently, our voice — the voice of the Belarusian mass media, especially TV channels — has been very much heard in the world. People worldwide are closely listening to us. But, let’s be honest, Russia’s voice sounds louder. Therefore, it is important for us to be there. Moreover, Russia is our major partner, the main market for our products. We need to be present in the Russian regions, where we also have our interests,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasised.
The Belarusian leader stressed that the heads of the leading Russian media met Belarus halfway and are ready to maintain relations and liaise. According to the Head of State, the Union State media holding should be created on equal terms. 
One of the issues that the Head of State is considering today is the creation of the Union State’s media holding company. According to the Belarusian leader, a lot is being said about its appearance, “Of course, taking into account Russia’s media policy. You are aware of it, you have negotiated with them and you understand that it is even more an economy there. Russia is huge, it is impossible to do without the media.”
Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced that the friendly and warm relations that have developed between the partners today will contribute to the establishment of a ‘normal independent media holding on equal terms’, “That is the main thing. If we are building our union, the main principle is equal conditions. No one is subordinate to anyone. Everything is on equal terms. Vladimir Putin and I have discussed this topic extensively. I have never heard him say, ‘We are big, you are small, so let’s do this and that’. The last time I posed the question directly — how long we will talk about this, we need to move, and first of all, the Russians need to create an independent holding company. The Russian President replied, ‘I am all for it’.”
Moreover, the agenda of the Union State should be actively disseminated on the Internet, across various messaging platforms and channels, as well as through bloggers. The President acknowledged that the Russian partners may have their own interests in this matter, but directed those responsible for the media work in Belarus, “We must act within the framework defined by the heads of state.” 

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Vladimir Putin has awarded Aleksandr Lukashenko Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree On Awarding the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called to the President of the Republic of Belarus, Chairman of the Supreme State Council of the Union State Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA reports with reference to the information published on the Kremlin official website.
“The Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called is bestowed upon Aleksandr Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus and Chairman of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, for outstanding achievements in developing the allied relationship and strategic partnership between Russia and Belarus, for boosting friendly ties between the Russian and Belarusian peoples, as well as for his great personal contribution to the establishing and effective functioning of the Union State,” the decree reads. 

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Open Microphone with the President

Aleksandr Lukashenko has taken part in the Open Microphone with the President event at Vitebsk State University. The Head of State was briefed on the state and development prospects of the university, talked with university students from Vitebsk Region, and answered their questions.

Countries and nations are involved in race for technological superiority
The peculiarity of the current moment of historical development is that countries and nations of the planet are involved in a race for technological superiority — as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during the Open Microphone with the President event held at Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, featuring students of Vitebsk Region universities.
Starting the conversation, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that it was a special day for this university and its students, not only due to the President’s visit, “Firstly, I asked university rectors during our meeting in February this year to plan my visits to universities both in the Belarusian capital and in the regions. Secondly, we have a topic for a serious conversation with you — the generation that will continue Belarus’ historical path in the world changing at an unprecedented pace.”
The President addressed the audience with a question, “You probably feel this pace? Today we look at yesterday’s innovations as at museum exhibits. It is not just about science, technology or the real economy. This also applies to the social sphere, the relations between people. Anyway, the problem is not in the rapid pace. The problem is that countries and peoples are involved in a race for technological superiority. Nothing new.”
Our task is to conduct new sci-tech revolution in accelerated mode
It is necessary to carry out a new sci-tech revolution in Belarus in an accelerated mode — as underscored by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during the Open Microphone with the President event. Addressing the audience, the Belarusian leader emphasised, “Our task is to carry out a new sci-tech revolution in an accelerated mode. Only in such conditions will there be a chance to survive as a state and prevent a major war on our land. This is the harsh truth of life, and I want you to understand the seriousness of the historical moment.”
The President noted that the state and the older generation rely much on the current youngsters, ‘since tomorrow you will work in production or in the laboratory, moving forward scientific thought’, “We count on you. We hope that you will be ready to make tremendous efforts to achieve the goal set for the state.”

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