Posted: 08.12.2023 11:00:00

Expert on aggression of Ukrainian politicians against Belarus: they want money from United States

Aleksei Avdonin, an expert at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, speculated on the aggression of Ukrainian politicians towards Belarus and whether Ukraine will be able to involve Belarus into the war

The Way to Freedom conference was held in Kiev, gathering representatives of the Ukrainian special services, the Verkhovna Rada, and deputies. The former Ambassador of Ukraine to Belarus, Igor Kizim, was also present. As Polina Konoga, the presenter of the Alfa Radio programme, noted, Belarusian journalists working with the audio recordings from that event were surprised that not even fugitives, but Ukrainian deputies and political scientists present there were especially aggressive towards Belarus in their statements. She believes this confirms that Kiev is ready to militarily support terrorists.

“They really want the money to flow to them again, since the US and Europe are beginning to cut them off from financing,” Mr. Avdonin shared his views. “Their business was not to protect the interests of the Ukrainian people, but to steal money from the cash flowing to them from the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union – taking, for example, $900m for themselves out of the $1bn sent to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At present, there is no money, they have nothing for their mistresses, they have no funds to buy new cars, apartments, houses, and so on. That is why they are so angry and promote such evil rhetoric. They say there is a new project, so they propose to seize Belarus and the great America will then allocate money, and they will still make profit on the suffering of Belarusians. That's what these villains want.”

When asked on whether Ukraine would be able to involve Belarus into the war, Mr. Avdonin noted, “Under no circumstances can we say that they will not be able to. If they are already trying to do this, then they have a plan. British and American intelligence agencies support them, and we know how Brits work – by hook or by crook. They have always been trying to foment any conflict for the past four hundred years, and our task now is to work very hard in the information field, tracking all these initiatives and plans. Of course, a counter-fight to suppress any activity of any initiators is needed. After all, any plans are implemented through people. Therefore, we need to identify through whom they are trying to do this, stop their activities and financial flows. We also need to understand that – if this path of tectonic changes is passed calmly – the whole world order will be completely different, and the model of the Anglo-Saxon world will be changed in two-three years. Afterwards, these persons will calm down, and – most likely – criminal and judicial proceedings will begin against all of them.”