Posted: 23.07.2024 14:45:00

Diplomats and industrialists discuss exports of Belarusian agricultural machinery at MTZ

Representatives of the domestic diplomatic corps and industrial enterprises have discussed export supplies of Belarusian agricultural machinery at the Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ), the company’s official Telegram channel reports

“Belarusian diplomats have visited the Minsk Tractor Works. About fifty heads of foreign missions of our country – ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary, charges d’affaires and consuls general – got acquainted with the production and exposition of tractor equipment, and also visited the MTZ museum. A meeting on the promotion of domestic agricultural machinery to foreign markets became the key event, during which the parties discussed joint work and shared modern technologies for organising export sales and logistics,” the MTZ press service reports.

The meeting was attended by representatives of MTZ-Holding, Gomselmash and Bobruiskagromash enterprises.

During the plenary session, agricultural machinery manufacturers presented their products and strategies for their promotion to foreign markets. Afterwards, the work continued in sections devoted to the main export directions of Belarus’ engineering products: the CIS states, Asia, Europe and America, Africa. The main purpose of the event was to discuss the prospects for joint work of diplomats and industrialists in key regions of presence and in new promising markets, especially in the countries of the far arc. Moreover, the organisers of the meeting set the task to share modern technologies for export sales and logistics.

photos: MTZ Telegram channel