Posted: 04.07.2023 17:13:00

Defence Ministry reported on activation of NATO flights near Belarus’ borders

Anatoly Bulavko, the Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces for Ideological Work, commented on the activation of NATO flights near the state border of Belarus

Photo: video screenshot

In his talk with the STV TV channel, Mr. Bulavko noted that the intensity of aviation flights, including reconnaissance ones, ‘defies common sense’. “Unfortunately, this can only be explained by several reasons. The first is the disclosure of our air defence system, and a rhetorical question of why is this needed arises. The second is the collection of intelligence information about our military potential, and we also wonder why this is needed. The third is the mastering of airspace by NATO pilots," he added.

According to Mr. Bulavko, three years ago, from 20 to 30 flights were recorded monthly, but the figure grew to seventy later. “There have been days recently when up to 30 aircraft were detected in the airspace near our state border. It's hard to say something about the norm. The norm is when passenger planes fly," he stressed.