Posted: 24.11.2022 16:21:00

Chinese media: US poses serious threat

America's nuclear strategy poses a serious threat to global strategic security and increases the risk of WWIII, RIA Novosti reports with reference to The Global Times


The publication makes reference to the US Nuclear Posture Review for 2022 – prepared by the Pentagon every eight years since 1994 – which outlines America's long-term strategy in the field of nuclear weapons.

“Washington continues to form the Cold War mentality and exploits nuclear deterrence as a geopolitical tool,” the author of the article, Kong Jun, believes. According to him, the review confirms that the incumbent US administration ignores the policy of ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons and traditionally reserves the option of launching a preemptive nuclear strike.

“The US nuclear strategy undermines strategic mutual trust between major powers. The United States has long pretended to be a victim, hyping up nuclear threats from China and Russia," the publication adds.