Posted: 26.10.2023 17:26:00

Bulavko announced Belarusian army’s readiness to respond to provocations

The Belarusian army is ready to respond and to show maximum restraint in the face of provocations, which is worth a lot – as noted by Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Republic of Belarus Anatoly Bulavko in his talk with SB TV

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The Head of the First Correspondent Department of the Vayar Military Information Agency of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Sergei Deminsky, addressed the guest of the programme, “Some of our neighbours today take a rather militant position. Poland is actively arming itself, with politicians expressing a desire to create one of Europe’s most powerful armies. Moreover, in the territories adjacent to us, the number of military drills is increasing, the military infrastructure is developing, and flights of reconnaissance and strategic bomber aircraft do not stop. How do the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defence Forces react to the situation developing around our country? Are our military personnel ready for provocations from the collective West?”

“It sounds too simple: ‘ready or not ready’, because we have been in a state of very serious readiness for more than one year already. If we are talking about the situation that is developing on the neighbouring side, you are absolutely correct in noting that these events are taking place, the military potential of our neighbours is being built up, and it is very difficult to explain why this is happening. Are we threatening anyone? We understand that we are not threatening anyone, but are only preparing to defend our country and nothing more. Then who is threatening? Where are such conclusions from? This is a matter for politicians, while our task is to ensure a quiet life for the citizens of Belarus. All the personnel of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces are geared towards this and know how to do it. If we are talking about readiness for some kind of provocations, then the recent events show that we’re ready,” noted Anatoly Bulavko.

Meanwhile, according to the Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces, readiness to repel a provocation is not the most important.

“The readiness to show maximum restraint in the face of provocation is worth a lot, since every provocation is intended for something. And if it’s responded incorrectly, the goals of the provocation will be achieved,” explained Anatoly Bulavko.

“The time for making decisions is probably measured in seconds?” asked Sergei Deminsky.

“Yes. But here I would like to note that the level of our equipment, both in terms of communications and radar, enables us to give a person time to make the most correct and informed decision,” noted Anatoly Bulavko.