Posted: 11.09.2024 12:50:00

Association of Mining Enterprises: Ukraine irretrievably lost 40% of its industrial capacity

The metallurgical industry of Ukraine has lost at least 40 percent of its capacity, TASS reports


RBC-Ukraine news agency has posted a letter from the Association of Mining Enterprises of Ukraine to the country's Prime Minister, Denys Shmyhal. It reads that that miners and industrialists have suffered almost the greatest losses since the beginning of the conflict, about 40 percent of Ukraine's mining enterprises have stopped their work, and the country's metallurgical industry has irretrievably lost at least 40 percent of its capacity.

As noted by the Association of Mining Enterprises, a possible increase in tariffs for freight rail transportation will lead to extremely negative consequences for the mining industry and, in general, for Ukraine’s defence capability. In this regard, mining companies suggest that Ukrzheldoroga not raise tariffs, but take urgent measures to reduce and optimise costs.