Posted: 24.07.2023 11:34:00

Aleinik: main task of heads of foreign missions is to preserve Belarus’ sovereignty and independence

Work to preserve the sovereignty and independence of our state, to ensure the sustainable economic development of our country and to increase the well-being of our citizens is the main task of the chiefs of foreign institutions – as stated by Belarus’ Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik at the opening of a seminar with heads of foreign agencies

Describing the event, the Foreign Minister noted that it was not only a ‘synchronisation of watches’ on the most pressing issues of foreign policy and foreign economic activity of our diplomatic service, “This is a platform for substantial discussions about the best ways to solve the tasks set for the diplomatic service by the Head of State and the Government in the current very difficult geopolitical conditions.”

The Minister also outlined the features of the current state of the international situation, “A year ago, we characterised it as very, very complex. And, as everyone perfectly sees and knows, the situation has only worsened lately. Belarus is at the epicentre of a geopolitical rift and feels all the processes associated with the collapse of the European and global security architecture, the devaluation of the system of international relations, and the degradation of international law. Our country, which is building its own path of development, is facing the entire arsenal of tools to influence ‘dissenters’ with the preservation of a unipolar world order: from economic restrictive measures to full-scale hybrid warfare and even threats of force, which have unfortunately been heard more and more loudly in recent time.”

At this time, Sergei Aleinik underlined that the irreversibility of the process of transition to a multipolar world is becoming more and more obvious, “New centres of power declare themselves and are getting stronger. Polycentricity is gaining momentum, creating new co-ordinates to which the new system of international relations and the new security architecture will be oriented. We plan to discuss it at the forthcoming international conference in October dedicated to the issues of Eurasian security. The future of our country depends on how deeply and comprehensively we feel these transitions, these trends, what proposals we develop and what actions we take to effectively integrate our state into these processes.”

The Foreign Minister, addressing the diplomats, urged precisely from this angle within the framework of the seminar to aim at finding effective solutions to urgent problems, including the proactive development of relations with our allies, traditional partners and friendly states.

“It’s necessary to continue to maximise interaction with the countries of the global East and South. We already have groundwork for this, including in multilateral formats such as the Non-Aligned Movement, the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, our application for joining the BRICS,” Sergei Aleinik said.

According to the diplomat, the most important task remains to further counter the sanctions and minimise their consequences for the country, “Our experience of responding to illegitimate sanctions, demonstrating to the world community their counter-productiveness and perniciousness should be more actively used to consolidate friendly countries, positioning Belarus among the states that form the core of sanity in a changing world. Moreover, we can and should expand this core more actively through the promotion of a peaceful and constructive agenda, Belarusian peace initiatives, to convey to constructively-minded political and public figures in all countries our peaceful foreign policy, the truth about our country.”