Posted: 22.07.2024 11:46:00

Zelenskyy admitted possibility of peace talks with Russia

Volodymyr Zelenskyy allowed negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite the decree in force in Ukraine banning such talks, TASS reports


“At the second world summit, if the plan is fully ready, if Russia is ready to discuss this plan, then we will be ready to talk with our partners with Russian representatives. Whether it’s going to be Putin, or it’s not, what’s the difference. Let’s be honest, if we want to end the war, and we have all the forces for this, and if the world is united around Ukraine, we will talk to those who are in power in Russia,” Zelenskyy said in an interview with the BBC Broadcasting Corporation.

The Russian side has repeatedly stated its readiness to negotiate with Ukraine on the settlement of the conflict. The conditions for achieving a peace plan have also been announced more than once.